Saturday, January 17, 2009

The woes of wayward channel surfing: conservative christian talk radio

A Christianusaurus-Rex of the conservativus talk radio hostus species lurking for prey on the airwaves. *almost extinct*

I was radio surfing. Okay, there was a long list of errors leading up to my final twitch of the digits that left my dial fatefully on FM 90.7 on my way through Missouri. 

Here so you can grasp my mistake medley, a list:

1. Not properly charging my iPod.
2. Failing to fill aforementioned iPod with enough
 This American Life and Radiolab to entertain men, an adult with the equivalent of a small child's attention span on coffee through 800 miles of midwest wasteland.
And, 3. Pulling my neck while dancing to Black Sabbath - of all the bands...


= station surfing for talk radio in the Bible Belt of the U.S.of A.

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