Monday, January 19, 2009

Just add origami

Alysha and Beck at Art Day
Art days have to be among the most stereotypical white, college student things I can plan, albeit dinner parties are up there, or at least worthy of a post on another of my favorite blogs "", but I'm a sucker for a good afternoon with nice friends and paint.  And if by calling it what it is "arts and crafts day for young adults" makes it happen, I'll be the one with the Polaroid snapping shots of your paper bag painting like a new mom on the first day of kindergarten. I'm not talented in that way. As Beck said today, "I just mastered the art of writing," hardly cursive. But most everyone can appreciate doodling or sketching or doing whatever you can to let the stress soaked into your brain seep out and allow your fingers to whimsically draw fairies and fold origami stars.  Meanwhile more important things can wait. Rent, the weather, economy, school or work be damned, I have to finish this collage of ice cream cones.

1 comment:

  1. YAAAAAAAAY i love being a white person!!!!!! i'm gonna go knit and eat hummus now, l8r!!!!
